sixthreezero Around the Block Girl's 20" Single Speed Beach Cruiser Bicycle


from $ 219.99   Sold Out

Additional Gear Options:

single speed



Say hello to this new bicycle bestie for your girls. Supremely comfortable, super low maintenance, and ready to ride whenever they are, living the bike life has never been easier. Standout in your neighborhood as your kid cruise Around the Block with style and grace.

Say hello to this new bicycle bestie for your girls. Supremely comfortable, super low maintenance, and ready to ride whenever they are, living the bike life has never been easier. Standout in your neighborhood as your kid cruise Around the Block with style and grace.

Say hello to this new bicycle bestie for your girls. Supremely comfortable, super low maintenance, and ready to ride whenever they are, living the bike life has never been easier. Standout in your neighborhood as your kid cruise Around the Block with style and grace.

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