Do Beachbikes Come Assembled or in a Box?
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You’ve just purchased your cruiser with custom cruiser bicycle parts online, now what? If you’re worried about pulling your hair while attempting to assemble the bike yourself, know that it really isn’t too bad. When you purchase a sweet, head-turning machine like the single-speed sixthreezero Teal, you will only have to make minimal adjustments for it to be the perfect companion. Beachbikes are 80% assembled when they arrive by mail. You only have to attach handlebars, seat, pedals, and the front wheel—that is unless you decide to add accessories such as a basket or cup holder. The easy-to-use tools required to assemble it are Allen Wrenches and a Phillip Screw Driver, which are provided in the package. If you happen to live near Torrance or are in the area, you can just scoop up your bike, assembled, at no extra cost
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